Current Weather in Beech Mountain
The weather in Beech Mountain, North Carolina similar to that of the Northeast with the climate being described as “humid continental” . Beech Mountain is Eastern America’s highest town. Thereby, it is also the coldest town in North Carolina and the Southeastern United States. Winters are cold and snowy. While summers are cool and mild. (1) Continue reading for more information on average temperatures and snowfall.
Refer to the live weather forecast above for the next 7 days of weather.
Average High and Low Temperatures
The temperature typically ranges from a low of 23°F in the winter to a high of 72°F in the summer. The average temperature in the winter months hovers around freezing temperatures while the average summer temperature is in the high sixties.
Temp | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
High | 38°F | 40°F | 47°F | 57°F | 64°F | 70°F | 72°F | 71°F | 67°F | 58°F | 49°F | 42°F |
Low | 23°F | 25°F | 30°F | 39°F | 49°F | 57°F | 60°F | 59°F | 54°F | 43°F | 34°F | 27°F |
Average Monthly Snowfall
Beech Mountain is one of the snowiest places in North Carolina with 6 months of the year experiencing significant snowfall and an average annual snowfall of 41.5 inches. February typically receives the most snow of the year, around 12 inches.
In the winter months, 4WD and/or snow chains are a must to navigate the often snow and/or ice covered road leading up the mountain.
Best Time to Visit
According to the Best Places Comfort Index, June, July, and August are the most comfortable months in Beech Mountain. However, if you are looking to visit Beech Mountain for the skiing and winter sports, January and February have the best chance for the most snow with the ski season starting mid-November until mid-end of March depending on the conditions.
Hadley Hills
Beech Mountain, North Carolina